Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Running for our Lives

What is CRIME?


In April 2023 the owner of Unit 314 in Strata Plan NW2671, whom I’d never met, restrained me from recording evidence of her converting common property to her own exclusive use at the expense of others contrary to registered ownership, strata unit entitlement, years of proportionate property tax and maintenance payments, standard Use of Property bylaws, and Section 71 of the Strata Property Act.


She converted common property in front of her unit to a patio for herself and restrained me from photographing and measuring the evidence by coming to the door of my Coquitlam home making threats, obstructing my rightful path with physical force, assaulting me, and PERSISTENTLY stalking me with fraudulent and defamatory accusations to police of a string of crimes that my photos and her own video surveillance prove that I didn’t commit - SHE did.

Shockingly, the roles of victim and perpetrator were perversely reversed to protect HER… and I did not KNOW why.

 I was an honest, fair, law-abiding homeowner, and vulnerable senior, presumed guilty, publicly arrested, warned of further arrest in such an intimidating way that it was too dangerous for me to dare step out of the police car onto my property. Iwas apprehended under the Mental Health Act for no good reason in order to get me out of the police car when the arresting officer wanted to go to his son’s ball game. I was perpetually defamed with charges of ludicrous crimes I didn’t commit that are published online in a permanent public record labelled “Criminal.” I was repeatedly jailed, handcuffed, shackled, brutally abused, bruised and battered, photographed and finger printed under the Identification of Criminals Act, held in solitary confinement for many days, denied prescribed medications, soap, water, and toilet paper, strip searched, disarmed, and physically sickened, while my reports and hard evidence of the only ACTUAL violations were persistently IGNORED, at every level, leaving me without protection, living in perpetual fear right in my own home.

What is ABUSE?

According to Vancouver Coastal Health’s Adult Protection Program re:act brochure, abuse is DELIBERATE mistreatment of a vulnerable adult that causes physical, mental, or emotional harm, or damage to or  loss of assets. Indicators include physical assault, restraint, coercion, bruises, restricted movement, and theft. In my case this also included intimidation, humiliation, assault, fraud, withholding needed medication, invasion of privacy, blocking visitors, and denial of constitutional and human rights. The damage and loss I suffered would not exist but for the deliberate mistreatment listed herein.


What is NEGLECT?

 Neglect includes failure to pay NECESSARY attention when such failure is reasonably likely to result in physical, mental, or emotional harm, or substantial damage to or loss of assets. Substantial damage from failure to pay attention to enactments governing strata property and constitutional rights is not limited   to my foreseeable loss of assets and life savings. Negligently or deliberately ignoring my complaints of criminal violations of material enactments left me battered and bruised, physically sickened for months, and emotionally scarred forever, with no reasonable expectation of safety or protection under the law.

What is a GAG ORDER?

The court deemed the above-mentioned breach of trust and destruction of my reputation to be UNSPEAKABLE, with a perverse non-disclosure gag order to protect my STALKER, a dangerous bully criminally engaged in assault, public mischief, and fraudulent misappropriation of property!



 A STAY OF PROCEEDINGS is one of the most drastic actions available to a prosecutor or court in cases where the integrity of the justice system is implicated.

Ludicrous charges of crimes I didn’t commit were made and stayed at the whim of a prosecutor who had no chance of a conviction and no responsibility to compensate for an abuse of process that left me, an honest, law abiding senior, forever stigmatized. Depriving me of my day-in-court means society will  never have this matter involving egregious misconduct by police, prosecutors, or courts resolved on the merits by an impartial trier of fact.


What does REVERSE ONUS mean?

Reverse onus means that instead of being treated as innocent until proven guilty in accordance with the Canadian Charter of Rights, you are automatically treated as guilty!

My stalker was the one who was acting unlawfully, not me; she was the one committing crimes, not me; and she was the aggressor, not me. I was perversely labelled the “offender” when all I did was take photos and measures of significant changes to the use and appearance of common property, report violation of s.71 of the Strata Property Act, and try to exercise my reasonable right to gather material evidence.

The show trial that took place was to decide whether my stalker had reasonable grounds to fear for her safety. It didn't matter to the kangaroo court that she manufactured said fear in her own head by her own crimes, or that the grounds for fear arose from her own misconduct, not from me lawfully exercising my legitimate right to record it, or that she was enjoying more than her share while I was suffering damage and loss, or that she was relentlessly stalking and attacking me, and I was the one injured, bruised, and sickened, with actual and legitimate grounds to fear for my safety.


 Make no mistake, the police serve and protect themselves before they serve or protect the public. Acting together, a West Vancouver police constable, the RCMP, and officers of the Provincial Court subjected me, a law-abiding, honest, VULNERABLE NON-VIOLENT SENIOR, to all of the above-mentioned abuse and neglect, and MORE, with absolutely no repentance, compensation, or corrective action. This put me in diapers from May to August last year and compelled my husband and I to flee in fear from our home of 35 years at crushing cost, allowing my scofflaw stalker to profit from her own wrongs undisturbed, at our expense. Perverse gag orders, stays of proceedings, defamation of whistleblowers, and fraudulent misrepresentation perpetuate police brutality and corruption in BC’s justice system. …O Canada!


December 18, 2023.
I intend to stop posting to my strata blogs this year. After 35 years of oppression at Coquitlam's Sunridge Estates we're fleeing from strata property.
We've just sold 3 decades of endless corruption, horrific harassment, and devastating loss.
We'll be moving to a house that was listed for $100,000 more in August than December. So the difference between our purchase and sale is only $90K now, instead of $180K then. 🙂

That's the good news!

Even so, we're in our 70s on a fixed income, and the roof, windows, siding, furnace, plumbing, and lawn have to be replaced on the house we just bought. So that's the bad news.

With inflation and the foreseeable cost of end of life care, only time will tell what's to become of us.

For now, I'm looking for another nice small DOG to join our family! 🙂

December 31, 2023 - UPDATE - Meet 2.5 yr old LUNA!  💗



Warning. Don't turn a blind eye to those in BC's strata industry who exploit judicial corruption to silence complaints and quash owner rights under the SPA and Charter of Rights via targeted intimidation and shocking abuse of those who complain about significantly unfair violations.

I was forced to flee for safety from my home of 35 years by being repeatedly arrested for crimes I didn't commit, hand cuffed, shackled, battered, finger printed, photographed, thrown in jail, placed in solitary confinement, strip searched, sickened, and defamed with no recourse due to an ultimate "STAY OF PROCEEDINGS" last year. I was also gagged and robbed of my shotgun and much needed protection for NO good reason.

A STAY OF PROCEEDINGS is one of the most drastic actions available to a prosecutor or court in cases where the integrity of the justice system is implicated.

Charges that are made against a law abiding innocent and then “stayed” are an abuse of process that means the stigmatized victim of those charges will never get their day-in-court, and society will never have the matter involving egregious misconduct by police, prosecutors, or courts resolved by an impartial trier of fact.

Bogus charges made to protect police and other bullies acting criminally, which are then stayed, at the whim of prosecutors who have no chance of a conviction and no responsibility to compensate their honest law-abiding victims for the foreseeable damage suffered, are systemic violations of the Charter that endanger EVERYONE in Canada. Gag orders are a serious ALARM!

Beware. The price for complacency is high.


Edited slightly due to a GAG ORDER.
From: dianne.bond@yahoo.ca <dianne.bond@yahoo.ca>
Sent: April 29, 2024 7:24 AM
To: premier@gov.bc.ca <premier@gov.bc.ca>

Subject: Action required

I turned 74 years old yesterday.

Since I am not dead yet, this is a timely reminder that last year on my birthday the RCMP arrested me for no reason other than to terrorize me  in support of a lying, thieving, bully cop committing UNSPEAKABLE crimes that are allowed on strata property and nowhere  else.

Systemic mockery of the law brought the administration of justice into irreparable disrepute and put me in diapers for 4 months, forcing my husband and I to flee for safety from our cherished home of 35 years.  After losing any reasonable expectation  of safety and almost $200,000 of my life savings I think I'm lucky to  be alive.

Rather than apologizing, correcting, compensating, or acting to make me whole again in any way whatsoever you rudely and persistently IGNORED  the matter.

You have profited from your own wrongs by extracting thousands of dollars more from me in property purchase tax in perpetuating these crimes and others on EVERY level. On an ongoing basis you continue to  profit from criminal conduct on strata property and ever-increasing  contempt of court at the expense of myself and other honest, law abiding citizens. It's a sickening betrayal of trust, a perverse insult, and an ultimate barrier to a productive society.

Hiding the criminal conduct of cops with gag orders and narratives that reverse roles and rob myself and other honest, vulnerable victims of safety and security is unconscionable. Such bizarre fiction does not change the fact that I was the only one who acted lawfully and honestly, the only one intimidated, the only one endangered, and the only one injured.

When an armed cop stalked, bullied, battered, and robbed me while she committed multiple CRIMES, irresponsible shysters like you took my  $2,000 rifle and PAL without paying me a dime, and perversely characterized the corrupt cop as the victim. I would rather die than be exploited in a strata again, so please return my property and leave me alone.


When corrupt POLICE and others take common property for their own exclusive use for YEARS at the expense of others contrary to registered ownership, unit entitlement, proportionate strata fees and property taxes, in VIOLATION of the Constitution, Criminal Code, Strata Property Act and Use of Property bylaws, THESE ARE  JUST A COUPLE OF THE RESULTS: 

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