Monday, January 2, 2023

Condo Shootings kill 5

January 2, 2023 We Need To Talk About The VAUGHAN CONDO SHOOTING That KILLED 5 (Including Board Members) In Ontario! ( – My excerpts from the video first published at 20:48 UTC on December 20th, 2022 ARE BELOW – D. Bond
FRANCESCO VILLI … In case you haven’t heard, a 73 year old man just killed 5 people in a horrific, just tragic incident/killing. Three of them were members of the condo board, who he was actually in the middle of a major dispute with. Law, you know, legally, and this dispute actually goes back quite some time. It goes back to 2010 when this all started for the guy. So just a little bit of context for background, and then I’ll get into why I think some of these things are happening. But this man first started airing his grievances with the condo board, when, he owns a unit, and they ended up putting in an electrical room underneath his unit, and he says, you know none of it’s been done to code, and it’s been vibrating his room. He’s absolutely unable to sleep at night. In fact, for the last few years he’s been spending a couple of nights a week at the Woodbine Casino just to try to get a little bit of rest. An um, so he’s been in this legal battle to try to get them to do things properly to code. They ended up putting a restraining order against him because he was being rather aggressive in his ways. He ended up launching a law suit to sue the condo board for 6 million dollars. Um, and that was a couple of years ago almost to the day of the shooting. And that judge ended up calling this frivolous and vexatious. And they ended up putting a ban on him from posting or sharing to social media to talk about this. So essentially he had a gag order put on him. And he presented the judge with hundreds of pages of documents alleging code violations and things of that nature, and according to him, he says the judge didn’t even look at a single page of these documents, and instead, um, ended up putting on this restraining order on on him. Now I want to first of all, obviously I do not justify what this man did whatsoever, it was very, very evil, very wrong, for him to do what he did. But just for context I want to talk a little bit from experience because I know a little bit more than others about what may be at play here because I too was a condo owner not very far from where he owned his condo, I owned a condo in a, close by for 10 years. And during my time of renting that out to tenants and living there, there was a major class action law suit that was ongoing when I left. And the reason for this class action law suit, guys, was literally the balconies were falling apart. Just, they would just crumble in the wind. So for the last 2 years of living in this condo that I owned I was not able to access my own balcony because of this, so there was this class action law suit, and at the time I was looking into it obviously, because it was affecting my life. So I ended up discovering at the time that there is whole underbelly of, almost like a mafia run, construction business in and around the area, Vaughan, Mississauga, Toronto. A lot of those contracts are being given out to friends of the friends of the mob, and they’re cutting corners all over the place, you know. Like using the cheapest of concrete possible, you know, if a railing in the balcony needs 3 big screws, aw we’ll just put in 2 because that should be good enough type of thing. And it’s not just the condo complex that I was living in and experiencing all this at the time, a lot of other ones had law suits going on as well. So now we have this man who after showing pages and pages of documents that say that these guys are violating the building codes, they are not even building to code, and he can’t sleep. He eventually came to learn that the system is not only broken, but the system is entirely fixed. And I want to get into some of the reasons that I think this happened. And let me first say, the man was an immigrant, um, he came here when he was 17 years old. And even though Trudeau has passed all these you know new gun bills and laws trying to ban fire arms this man was still able to obtain his weapon and do what he wanted to do… one thing that really caught my attention was when I was watching his videos, and he says in the video that God’s going to judge them… (at this point the video deteriorates in a religious rant. – D. Bond) 4731849259073536%7Ctwgr%5E50fd3e2c3f2df6c3ce5a3ee598a476b35237c9bc%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpu “So I did not have to do this if you would’ve give me some comfort in my home. That’s all I want, comfort in my home, why it’s been denied? For 70 years, why? You bastards, all of you, you indecent bastards are criminals, that’s what you are. You take me to court before a judge, and my one, my one page, over 3 4 hundred pages of evidence and truth, it’d been thrown in the garbage! So this is the law and justice that we live in? It is your justice, your fraud…” VAUGHAN, Ont. — Police north of Toronto are working to determine the motive in what they’ve called a “horrendous” shooting at a condo that left five people, plus the suspected gunman, dead. York Regional Police say Francesco Villi’s victims at the high-rise building in Vaughan, Ont., on Sunday night included three members of the building’s condo board. Court documents indicate the 73-year-old had a lengthy history of threatening members of the board and believed they had a conspiracy to “systematically murder” him. (Many stratas act similarly.-D. Bond) Police say a sixth shooting victim — the wife of a board member — remained in hospital with serious injuries… A gunman who went on a shooting rampage at a Toronto-area condo was a “controlling and abusive husband and father” who was estranged from his children, his three daughters said as they expressed their shock at what happened. (Speaking of dysfunctional families, I am childless by choice because as a victim of systemic torture I KNOW that it endangers more than the direct victim.) Francesco Villi killed five people - three condominium board members and two of their partners - in a shooting at his Vaughan, Ont., highrise on Sunday night before police shot him dead… (How does a gag order, NDA - Non-Disclosure Agreement, or litigation privilege, ever expose the truth, much less the whole truth and nothing but the truth? What’s with the justice system? How much is YOUR life worth? - $1 million? $8.1 million? – D. Bond) My excerpts and comments from Villi v. Camilleri, 2022 ONSC 4561 (CanLII), - D.Bond RE: Francesco Villi, Plaintiff AND: Rita Camilleri, Dino Colalillo, Naveed Dada, Russell Manock, John Di Nino, and Patricia De Sario, Defendants BEFORE: Justice J. Di Luca COUNSEL: Francesco Villi, on his own behalf Tim Gillibrand, for the Defendants HEARD: July 27, 2022 [1] The defendants bring a motion, pursuant to Rule 21.01(1)(b) and 21.01(3) of the Rules of Civil Procedure, to strike out the statement of claim on the basis that it discloses no reasonable cause of action and/or is frivolous, vexatious or an abuse of process. [2] Mr. Villi is a resident in a condominium administered by York Region Standard Condominium Corporation No. 1139 (“the Corporation”). At the time the claim was issued on December 15, 2020, the defendants were directors and officers of the Corporation, though this fact cannot be discerned from the statement of claim. [3] The claim seeks, inter alia… from all defendants jointly, damages... While the Corporation is not a party to the action, the plaintiff seeks an order compelling the Corporation to comply with a list of repairs directed by the plaintiff. [4] The claim alleges that the defendants have committed “Acts of Crime and Criminality” from 2010 onwards. It also alleges that the defendants have, for their own personal gain, reasons and purposes, “negligently purposely” caused him harm, pain, suffering, stress, damage to physical and mental health and his financial well being. [5] The statement of claim also states that Mr. Villi has reasonable and probable grounds to believe that each of the defendants has committed criminal offences, including perjury, extortion, fraud, criminal harassment, criminal intimidation, defamatory libel and slander. Each alleged criminal offence is also pleaded as an offence of accessoryship and conspiracy. These various criminal allegations are pleaded using the standard form language normally used for criminal charges in a sworn information. [6] Lastly, the claim seeks damages … from each defendant for “abusively abusing” their power and “deliberately causing harm, stress physically, mentally, financially, confusion inability to rest and sleep for over 5 years, torment, torture that cannot be explain [sic] in words.” [7] By way of background, in November of 2018, the Corporation commenced an application against Mr. Villi pursuant to the Condominium Act, 1998, seeking to restrain Mr. Villi’s allegedly threatening, abusive, intimidating and harassing behaviour towards the Corporation’s board of directors, property management, workers and residents of the condominium. [8] In June of 2019, Mr. Villi commenced an application against the Corporation relating to issues stemming from an electrical room beneath his unit and also relating to alleged oppressive conduct on the part of the Corporation. [9] By Orders of Perell J. dated October 24, 2019, the applications were converted into actions and consolidated into one action to be heard in Newmarket. Perell J. also ordered Mr. Villi to refrain from recording board members, management, residents, or employees of the Corporation, to refrain from making social media posts about the proceedings and to only communicate with the Corporation in writing, except in an emergency. [10] On September 13, 2021, Vallee J. found Mr. Villi in contempt of Perell J.’s Orders for communicating with staff employed by the Corporation. (NONE of these Orders of Perell J. can be found on CANLII… and that says something significant to me. – D.Bond) … [19] Ultimately, I conclude that the statement of claim is, on its face, fatally flawed. It is plain and obvious that it cannot succeed and therefore must be struck. I would also find that the claim is frivolous and/or vexatious as there is a complete absence of material facts pleaded in support of any of the claims raised. In view of these findings, I need not consider whether the claim is also an abuse of the court’s process, though I note that the core complaint is already before the courts in the consolidated action that is now in Newmarket by Order of Perell J. (That should be interesting, what with the gag orders, contempt of court, timing, and subsequent killings. – D. Bond) [20] I consider next whether leave to amend the claim should be granted. Having listened to Mr. Villi’s submissions, I conclude that this is not an instance where there is any prospect that, if given the opportunity, Mr. Villi will amend the claim so as to make it even remotely viable. As such, I decline to grant leave to amend. [21] The motion is allowed. The statement of claim is struck without leave to amend. Counsel is invited to prepare a draft order in accordance with this endorsement. Mr. Villi’s approval of the form and content of the order is dispensed with. [22] In terms of costs, the defendants seek partial indemnity costs of approximately $10,900 all- inclusive based on full indemnity costs of $17,973.45. Mr. Villi is opposed to any order of costs. [23] Having considered the costs outline in concert with the principles that guide the determination of costs, particularly reasonableness and proportionality, I find that the costs claimed are excessive when viewed in context with the nature of the issues raised and the relative simplicity of the motion and the efforts taken to date in response to the action. Costs are fixed at $2,500 allinclusive, payable by Mr. Villi within 30 days. (The amount of the excessiveness of the defendants’ claim for costs is significant and goes to the credibility of claims made by Mr. Villi and many others. –D.Bond) (Bond v. The Owners, Strata Plan NW 2671, 2019 BCCRT 344 (CanLII), gave me some direct personal knowledge of how fraudulent our “justice” system can be – so I won’t repeat it. Judicial immunity for blatant misrepresentations, statutory contraventions, and gross negligence, if not deliberate retaliation, is causing personal injury without compensation, or correction - instead of providing equal protection under the law to condominium owners.)


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