Wednesday, November 15, 2023

1 dead, 3 hurt after police allege driver may have struck people intentionally

According to CBC, police say there is some information that these people were struck intentionally, and aerial images of the scene show police have cordoned off an area at a parking loop that's set within an apartment complex.
Dare I say it, but talking about concerns raised in news like this CBC report on November 15, 2023, is the best way to learn. Intimidating concerned citizens into silence with publication bans imposed by courts raises serious apprehensions of systemic corruption making a mockery of this country's constitutional rights and protections.

Friday, November 10, 2023


On January 2, 2023, I discussed Francesco Villi's suicidal shootings in his Ontario condo just before Christmas as follows on social media: “We should talk about the condo shootings and “taking the law into your own hands” in lieu of “equal protection under the law.” Are mass killings “very, very evil, very wrong,” or are they a predictable product of “cause and effect” in private wars? I think it is most likely a bit of both, and unless the cause is accurately identified we will never learn, or improve.”
On April 14, 2023, an unidentified neighbour, who I'd never met before, came to my door waving her cell phone in our faces, saying that she was video recording, threatening to call the police on me for trespassing on "her" property, which I had never been on, and scaring her family, who I had never met.
She refused to introduce herself and when I asked her to leave my porch she refused, declaring that it was common property. When I responded by trying to take photos and measurements of common property being converted to her own exclusive use in contravention of s.71 of the Strata Property Act (the "S.P.A.") she blocked my path with physical force, said "I don't want to hurt you but I will" and made me scream in pain for my husband as she battered me.

Then she perversely phoned the RCMP, committing the crime of public "mischief" by falsely accusing me of crimes I didn't commit, telling such shocking stories while boldly strutting back and forth right in front of me that the police arrived with a siren and threatened to handcuff me and charge ME with assault!
She installed video surveillance and aggressively stalked me for 3 weeks while I did my job delivering the Tri-City News, phoning the police on April 14, April 21, and April 28, 2023, persistently acting to interfere with evidence of her violation of s.71 by accusing me each time of crimes that SHE was committing and I was NOT.
In a classic example of the "blue wall" the RCMP ignored my complaints and instead of acting to serve and protect me from a member of law enforcement obviously engaged in crime they charged me with criminal harassment. When I refused to give up my job or agree to stay 50 metres away from my neighbour's home, which I had NEVER been to, they threatened additional charges, which essentially put me under house arrest and intimidated me so badly that my home felt unsafe, and I was afraid to get out of their car.
They followed through on their threats from April 21 to May 4, 2023, when I was repeatedly arrested, handcuffed, shackled, badly battered, jailed, held incommunicado in solitary confinement for prolonged periods, strip searched, deprived of medications, soap, water, toilet paper, defamed, sickened, and robbed.

For 4 months from May to September I was in diapers.

All because I took photos and measurements of common property being unlawfully converted to the exclusive use of a rogue member of law enforcement.

Not to say that's a trivial matter. Far from it. It is perverting property values to the extent that 2 bedroom units are selling for more than 3 bedroom units.

Converting common property to exclusive use is a HIGHLY significant change from as shown on the strata plan, which has NEVER been approved under s.71 or s.76 restrictions in this strata or paid for pursuant to the User Fees provided for under s.6.9 of the Strata Property Regulation.
June 6, 2023
Thank you to the 9 or 10 supporters who attended my trial of charges under s.810(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada on June 5, 2023. A publication ban to prevent the details of judicial misconduct that deprived me of a fair trial from ever being reported was ordered immediately with absolutely no notice, reason, or constitutional justification.
The RCMP's charges against me of criminal harassment or assault were ludicrous, so they were reduced to charges based on the complainant's assertions of fear under s.810, which is pretty impossible to defend against, especially when the fear arises from the complainant's own unlawful conduct. Although the consequences could be 5 years in prison, proof of reasonable grounds is not required, not even on a balance of probabilities based on credibility, authority, or motives, much less beyond a reasonable doubt. So make no mistake, being lulled into failing to actively defend on the misguided presumption of innocence or proof beyond a reasonable doubt is fatal. I expect a decision on the s.810(1)(a) matter will be issued tomorrow, after which I'll have an opportunity to prove that the charges under s.145(5)(a) of the Criminal Code are totally bogus.

UPDATE: A surprise Stay of Proceedings deprived me of my day in court and corresponding opportunity to defend myself against s.145 criminal charges that everyone always KNEW were bogus! This perverse perpetuation of the crime of "public mischief" LEAVES MY NAME DEFAMED on Court Services Online under Criminal for a year or more.
June 10, 2023
Well, I am out of jail and solitary confinement, for the moment at least. The current conditions of my release include that I must not post AND must remove from the internet WITHIN 24 HOURS information that refers to PUBLICATION BAN's image, name, address, or employment until June 9, 2024. I said "over my dead body, I would rather die" but since the loss of my reputation and safety of my home is already irreparable, and we don't want to lose our marriage and what's left of our health in addition to our home of 35 years, I am hereby complying, pending an appeal, as wrong as it is to participate in reversing the roles of victim and offender. On April 14, 2023, I was overpowered by PUBLICATION BAN aggressively blocking my path to prevent me from taking evidentiary measurements of significantly unfair changes to common property in contravention of the Strata Property Act, namely s.71's requirement for a 75% vote and s.76's short tem use restriction. It took my husband's arrival with his cell phone pointed at the struggle to end it. PUBLICATION BAN further bullied and intimidated me out of exercising my legal rights with misrepresentations of common property and accusations to the RCMP that I committed criminal offences that I did not commit. Not only is that a crime in itself, and perjury when common property and other material facts are misrepresented under oath, it is contrary to our Use of Property bylaws that prohibit illegal use of any kind of strata property or creating a nuisance, hazard, or unreasonable interference with my use of the common property by covering me with bruises, having me thrown in jail, criminalized, covertly disarmed, and forced to protect PUBLICATION BAN as if I was the one breaking the law by trying to enforce it. PUBLICATION BAN distracted attention away from PUBLICATION BAN's misconduct by claiming that I caused PUBLICATION BAN to fear injury under section 810(1)(a) of the Criminal Code. Tears and fears were real, and on reasonable grounds, given how significant the potential loss of unjust enrichment and a systemic presumption of credibility could be, but there were no grounds for PUBLICATION BAN to fear personal injury, much less reasonable grounds. I am the one living in real fear of being further bruised, jailed, criminalized, abruptly arrested in my own garage, and threatened to the degree that my home is no longer safe for me to live in. These are real fears, and serious personal injury, not paranoid hysteria whipped up by an exceptionally experienced and impressively polished performer with ulterior motives of unjust enrichment. Fears arising from the lawful consequences of PUBLICATION BAN's unlawful behavior in regard to property are not contemplated by s.810(1)(a). Kamstra v. Gardiner, 2019 ONSC 6418 (CanLII), Neither are fears arising from lawful possession of a rifle, or online speculation on what motivated the suicidal conduct of a deceased person. I am so glad that I didn't waste money on a lawyer for that because based on the witch hunt to date I may need that money for fines. It is beyond a doubt that under the S.P.A. reasonable grounds for fear of lawful consequences would never be grounds to fear personal injury. In contrast, if you pretend that common property is the private yard of a traditional single detached home it distorts strata reality in such ways that it would have been impossible for even OJ's dream team to defend against s.810(1)(a) accusations when blatant bias deprived me of a fair trial. PUBLICATION BAN followed up by accusing me in effect of stalking under s.145(5)(a) each time PUBLICATION BAN filmed me on her cell phone or CCTV and got the RCMP to treat her calls as an "emergency" chat line, while I delivered the weekly Tri-City News to the complex or legitimately gathered evidence of further violations of s.71 and s.76 of the S.P.A. The strata management team, which is inexplicably dominated by the minority taking common property for their own exclusive use in contravention of s.71 and s.76 at the expense of others without paying user fees, is supporting PUBLICATION BAN in a witch hunt campaign to take me down in order to put an end to my 30 years of reporting perennial unfair treatment and misconduct of all kinds. It turns out that PUBLICATION BAN is also supported by the RCMP and the Criminal Court's shared mandate to defer to unjustified presumptions of credibility, and ignore the Strata Property Act in order to clear court dockets of statutory violations that are being characterized as "neighbour disputes" for the CRT to deter, which it has actually been cultivating since 2016. Nothing could be more perverse than to make the only honest, law-abiding person involved seem untrustworthy with a criminal record that would undermine the credibility of anyone, and most of all, those who are not members of institutions automatically granted unjustified presumptions of legitimacy. With 15 appearances on Court Services Online in about 4 days and 15 days in custody for legitimately taking evidentiary photos and measurements of changes to common property nobody is safe on strata property. After being falsely accused of criminal harassment, which can mean 10 years in prison, the RCMP told me I was effectively under house arrest, threw me in jail, handcuffed, shackled, and covered in bruises from passive resistance. I was too afraid to go home for 15 days. My husband and I are now looking for a single detached traditional home, because I can no longer live in the property that we've owned and occupied for the last 35 years with any expectation of safety or security. If I wasn't so sick and tired of all this, I would sue PUBLICATION BAN for 10 million dollars for being the (really heavy) straw that finally broke the camel's back after 30 years of relentless oppression and 10 years loss of life expectancy. The funniest thing is when you go to jail they ask you if you have any thought of harming anybody, and if you say yes, they put you in a straight jacket, or so I'm told. I said no, of course. What could possibly make anyone feel that way under such circumstances for even a moment?

June 22, 2023
When I was in jail I couldn't get my medications for cancer, thyroid, COPD, osteoporosis, etc, as prescribed, or at all. My husband is a double lung transplant recipient, so I said, "If this was my husband, he would be dead." Little did I know, that kind of death was already in the news - just from the accusation of a neighbour! With respect to violations of the Strata Property Act and Criminal Code I'd like to hold everyone who misrepresents fact and law accountable - but with the presumption of innocence, who do you think should be held accountable for this death? But for his neighbour's accusation it would not have occurred, but what about the police?

Dianne BondBC Strata Owners For Justice And Reforms June 30 Attached for the record is my complaint about this year's police misconduct. As the authorities have advised me previously that the RCMP are NOT required to be correct, I'm not holding my breath hoping for a remedy. Having said that, I'd be interested to know if anyone else has any insights or thoughts on the matter.

June 28, 2023 Dianne Bond Unit 409-1215 Lansdowne Drive, Coquitlam, BC V3E 2P2 604-464-9642 By Fax to: 613-952-8045, The Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP, and By Email to:, The Commanding Officer, Coquitlam RCMP Detachment

With regret, I am compelled to report the police for jailing and abusing a frail, law-abiding 73-year old woman with no criminal record acting reasonably and lawfully, whose only interest was in compliance with the enactments governing strata property, for the greater good. The complaint form provided online is too restrictive, particularly for a complaint of this magnitude. Please accept this letter as a complaint under the RCMP Act against the RCMP in Coquitlam, BC, for misconduct, including, but not limited to, threatening, bullying, and intimidating me, arresting and detaining me without good and sufficient cause, injuring me by using unnecessary force, and depriving me of service when I complained of criminal actions against me. On January 14, 2023, the RCMP threatened to charge me with “criminal harassment” (10 years in prison) for momentarily disturbing, on two occasions, strata council members responsible for relentless noise disturbance, after they ignored my complaints of down spouts on our building left disconnected for no good reason, causing me, and only me, prolonged sleep deprivation, nearly all night long, every night during weeks of heavy rain. The noise that was disturbing me was deliberately prolonged by members of the strata management team until it almost drove me crazy and required water damage repairs to my bedroom. The RCMP provided prompt and aggressive service to those in power who were assaulting me with relentless noise for no legitimate reason but refused to provide service to me, a law abiding victim, repeatedly and seriously injured by offenders I have no control over,see RCMP Incident #2023-800019 - Damage/Mischief, and February 13, 2023 emailstring. When I complain about criminal offences committed on strata property, including, but not limited to, disturbing the peace, vandalism, assault, or public mischief, the RCMP tell me that it is a CIVIL matter; but if I act to defend myself, they say that’s CRIMINAL. This double standard supports oppression, brings the administration of justice into disrepute, and is the exact opposite of keeping the peace. It is a systemic pattern of bias that supports the most powerful or privileged committing criminal offences on strata property. From April 14, 2023, to present, the RCMP manufactured a body of prejudicial accusations and charges based on systemic refusal to acknowledge registered land titles, lawful authority, or enactments governing strata property, which make it IMPOSSIBLE for me to defend myself against criminal attacks. The RCMP demonstrated unjustified acceptance of accusations by PUBLICATION BAN supported by nothing other than bias, theatrical assertions, and ulterior motives for her own unjust enrichment, and heavily contradicted by a preponderance of statutory evidence, objective pictures and videos, lawful excuse, and common sense, as well as my own complaints of fraudulent misrepresentation and premeditated stalking, using the RCMP as a weapon. You should know the seriousness of bias, intimidation, physical abuse, multiple accusations of criminal offences I did not commit, failure to investigate evidence of fraud, and the names of your officers and files better than I do.
Page 2 of 7 1) On April 14, 2023, without identifying the complainant by name, who turned out to be PUBLICATION BAN, or listening to me citing the Strata Property Act (the “S.P.A.”), the RCMP misrepresented fact, law, and video evidence, threatening to charge me with “assault” if I went on “her” property to take evidentiary photos or measurements of unauthorized changes. Then the RCMP excluded from the Report to Crown Counsel and the s.810(1)(a) trial on June 5, 7, and 9, 2023, the report of the officer attending and the complainant’s full video for the ONLY actual incident in an ongoing debacle. 2) On April 21, 2023, the RCMP threatened and intimidated me, making me fear for my safety on common property, by: a) recklessly and persistently misrepresenting material fact and law to support PUBLICATION BAN, b) unreasonably refusing to accept objective evidence that I offered of the actual facts and law, c) charging me with criminal harassment for recording evidence of unauthorized changes as they were made to the common property for the unjust enrichment of PUBLICATION BAN and her family, d) acting to subject me to house arrest and prevent me from recording evidence by demanding that Istay 50 metres away from the construction site, e) threatening further charges for refusing to comply with unreasonable demands to give up my rights, f) wrongfully apprehending me under the Mental Health Act when the RCMP’s trumped up charge of criminal harassment, which can mean 10 years in prison, made me realize that it was safer to remain in custody than to face the RCMP’s stated threat to manufacture even more criminal charges if I returned home and in the utmost of good faith exercised my legitimate property rights, statutory rights and protections, or constitutional rights and freedoms, and g) forcibly removing me from the police car, as Constable MacDonald was missing his son’s soccer game due to his refusal to accept statutory evidence, registered land titles, or strata plan designations proving that PUBLICATION BAN’s accusations were false, and my statements were accurate. 3) On April 21, 2023, without my knowledge, the RCMP also acted to covertly disarm me, and sent some kind of email to CFRO, which I would like a copy of, and the reason it was required, if there is a legitimate reason. 4) On April 26, 2023, the RCMP: a) persisted with criminal harassment charges in disregard of a preponderance of objective evidence and all kinds of law, b) lied to me about a tight handcuff on my left wrist having a finger of space, c) shackled my legs with osteoporosis and poor balance so I nearly fell on stairs, d) repeatedly jerked the brakes, banging a frail 73 year-old woman, with no criminal history and no seat belt, back and forth on a trip from the Royal Columbian Hospital to RCMP cells, e) responded to my passive resistance by nearly separating my shoulder so I screamed in agony and fear, f) put me in a transport chair and painfully slammed my weight back onto handcuffs behind my back,
Page 3 of 7 g) took mug shots and finger prints, but totally refused to photograph visible bruises evidencing my injuries, h) kept me in solitary confinement staring at bare walls with 24-hour light, without medication, drinkable water, soap, privacy, or communication, damaging my physical and mental health, and i) shattered my trust in the criminal justice system, all in response to my passive resistance to misconduct, including misrepresentations, bullying, and intimidating charges of criminal offences I did not commit. 5) On April 28, 2023, the RCMP a) visited the complainant for 35 minutes under a ludicrous CAT designation, b) arrested me in my own garage immediately on sight, c) jailed me for breaching release conditions that objective evidence shows I did not breach, d) drove me handcuffed without buckling the seat belt until I asked, e) bruised my right ring finger with excessively repeated finger prints until it was dark purple; f) began emailing personal information to the complainant to spread around forever without informing me, further invading my privacy and any presumption of innocence or equal protection under the law. 6) The RCMP repeatedly ignored my complaints of criminal offences by others and my citing the law, and between April 14 and June 9, 2023, told me that I was charged with assault, criminal harassment, and breaching release conditions, none of which I committed, rendered me in custody for 15 days, some protective, but most in solitary confinement deprived of soap, water, medications, shoes, pillow, toilet paper, pen, paper, material evidence, and any reasonable opportunity to prepare a defence. 7) At the trial on June 5, 7, and 9, 2023, the RCMP deprived me, yet again, of the opportunity to defend myself and my reputation from their prejudicial charges of criminal offences that I did not commit, by a) failing to testify or attend for cross examination to show their actions against me were not “correct b) recklessly ignoring the charges of breaching release orders while defaming me by c) leaving criminal charges published on Court Service Online for anyone to see without my knowledge. 8) On June 9, 2023, the RCMP a) tricked my husband into making what appears to be a free $2,000 gift to the RCMP of my valuable rifle, ammunition, and Possession and Acquisition License (“PAL”), “forever releasing the RCMP from all manner of actions, causes of action, claims, suits or demands in any way and declare being fully satisfied with the action taken and settlement of the following, 12 guage S/N MV0514865 Mavrick Arms, 3 boxes 12 gauge, 1 PAL– 13392065.0001,” b) none of which I consent to, and all of which exceedsthe Conditions of the Recognizance after Allegations, which Judge McQuillan specifically said were in effect for no more than 12 months. 9) Aftab Sandhu, of the RCMP’s firearms program, wrote to me on June 12, 2023,
Page 4 of 7 a) advising me that, “the effect of the Court Order is that your firearms license is revoked… subsection 7(3) of the Firearms Act requires that you must take the applicable approved safety course and pass the tests after the prohibition order expires.” b) contrary to my PAL which does not expire until April 28, 2025, and the extent of surrender based on the prohibitions, which the judge specifically stated expire in 12 months from the dat3e of his Order. 10) Please confirm that when the conditions set out in the Court Order expire the RCMP will promptly return my rifle, ammunition, and PAL in the same condition that they were in prior to their surrender or explain the excessive action and deceit. 11) The RCMP supported criminal mischief by PUBLICATION BAN a) misrepresenting common property, b) pre-emptively converting it to her own use in contravention of the Criminal Code and governing enactments, c) engaging in threatening conduct without lawful authority, causing me to fear for my safety, including, but not limited to, d) accusing me of criminal offences I did not commit, e) so that I was jailed, f) physically, mentally, medically, socially, and constitutionally abused, g) disarmed, and h) publically defamed. 12) The RCMP gave the unlawful conduct and false accusations of PUBLICATION BAN unjustified presumptions of legitimacy. 13) The RCMP supported PUBLICATION BAN in misrepresenting fact and law in converting land to her own use at the expense of others in contravention of s.322 of the Criminal Code and ss.71 and 76 of the S.P.A.. 14) The RCMP failed to provide service or equal protection under the law to me, a) a frail elderly woman, b) acting honestly, reasonably, and lawfully in the interests of the strata, c) from injury by, d) PUBLICATION BAN, acting unlawfully for her own unjust enrichment, and e) PUBLICATION BAN acting against me on her behalf. 15) The RCMP deprived me of the presumption of innocence, a) by relentlessly thwarting my ability to rely on the law, and the Strata Property Act in particular,
Page 5 of 7 b) to prejudicially support PUBLICATION BAN acting unlawfully in her personal capacity, for her own obviously unjust enrichment, c) neglecting their duty to serve and protect myself, the only one actually injured and legitimately afraid of injury, from criminal mischief deliberately and persistently committed against me by the complainant. 16) The RCMP was blatantly discriminatory in causing physical injury to myself, an elderly law abiding pacifist. 17) The RCMP unjustly inflicted ever-increasing stigma on myself, the only person actually complying with all the governing enactments and acting lawfully, honestly, and reasonably in the best interests of the strata. 18) The RCMP habitually employs a double standard, a) depriving law abiding owners of strata property of service and protection from neighbourhood rogues, b) perpetuating criminal mischief and other crimes committed by dishonest members of institutions, including the Strata Property Agents of BC, strata council, and police force, c) contributing to horrific lawlessness in strata corporations throughout BC’s multi-billion dollar strata agency industry. 19) If the RCMP’s federal jurisdiction is restricted to criminal offencesthat is not justification for a) flagrant and blatant blindness to material fact and law, or b) breaching contracts with the province or city that require knowledge of relevantstatutes. 20) The notion that crimes committed on strata property may be proven more easily as civil claims is not justification for the RCMP to: a) deny me service and protection by ignoring legitimate complaints of criminal offences, b) support scofflaws in committing criminal offences against law abiding individuals like myself, c) demonstrate bias by employing a prejudicial double standard in law enforcement, d) protect those acting unlawfully and dishonestly against those acting lawfully and honestly, e) deceptively conflate residential strata owners with owners of traditional houses or traditional private yards with changes to common property when assessing reasonable grounds for accusations or probabilities for imprisonment pursuant to s.810(1)(a) or s.145(5) of the Criminal Code. 21) The notion or perceived mandate not to clutter up the dockets of Provincial or Supreme courts with strata property disputes is not justification for the RCMP: a) to deprive me of equal protection under the law, b) to turn a blind eye to material fact and law,
Page 6 of 7 c) to support a team of domestic abuse rogues acting against me unlawfully, and d) to deprive me of access to justice. I am requesting a response to each of the matters set out in this complaint. I want the RCMP to stop catering to oppression by a corrupt minority. Since the RCMP ignored my complaints that my neighbour, PUBLICATION BAN, assaulted me, converted property unlawfully, and repeatedly accused me of criminal offencesthat I did not commit, please advise me on the proper procedure to address PUBLICATION BAN’s actions against me, and please don’t say that her criminal offences are a civil matter. My need to know is particularly urgent, as in response to these incidents the RCMP has arrested me, apprehended me, jailed me, threatened me with charges of assault, criminal harassment, and release breachesthat I did not commit, and intimidated me in jail, causing me so much fear of further endangerment that I can no longer live in the home that we have owned and occupied for 35 years, as I am now more afraid there than in jail. In fact, I have not had a normal bowel movement since getting out of jail on May 4, 2023, and after 35 years we are compelled to move far out of town to non-strata housing for our own safety and security. If law enforcement can assess a “balance of probabilities” or “reasonable grounds” for fear of “injury” under s.810(1)(a), or a breach of conditions unders.145(5), in circumstances involving strata property while ignoring the material parts of the Strata Property Act, please let me know how that method provides equal protection under the law for the fast growing population who must live their lives and make their homes in residential strata corporations. The security of the majority of owners of strata property hinges on being able to trust and rely on the law being respected. I have every reason to believe that the debacle that occurred here would not have taken place if the RCMP had historically provided equal protection under the law, and the Strata Property Act in particular. With the number of people living in strata property rapidly becoming a highly vulnerable majority, it seems reasonable to expect the RCMP to be somewhat knowledgeable about the governing statute. In fact, I don’t think it would take me much more than 30 minutes to give a RECEPTIVE police force the required training in the relevant bits of the Strata Property Act set out in s.1 Definitions, s.66 Ownership shares equal to unit entitlement, s.71 Changes to Common Property,s.73 Limited Common Property Designations, and s.76 Shortterm Exclusive Use subject to s.71. This complaint against the RCMP for bias, abuse, and denial of service is not an isolated incident. For background the Coquitlam RCMP has for years been building on a prejudicial body of complaints that demonstrate an alarming pattern of corruption on strata property that should not be ignored: i. the RCMP ignored my February 10, 2007, letter to the Coquitlam Detachment complaining about irreparable damage from vandalism in regard to unauthorized tree removal, Re: Enforcement of Offence Act (British Columbia), or penalty for contravention ofs.430(1) of the Criminal Code, the City of Coquitlam Tree Cutting Permit Bylaw No. 2169, 1990, s.71 of the Strata Property Act, and s.3 in the Schedule of Standard Bylaws for prohibited Use of Property;
Page 7 of 7 ii. on September 27, 2014, the RCMP intimidated me out of continuing a sit down protest against unfair contraventions of governing enactments by giving me a bogus ticket for “trespass” and threatening “worse” if I occupied a recreational sundeck on the common property that s. 66, s.71, s.73, and s.134 of the Strata Property Act all entitle me to share, as do the strata bylaws, minutes, and land titles; iii. the RCMP ignore, as standard practice, registered land titles and statutory evidence when the property in question is common property that I am entitled to use, as well as blatantly obvious unjust enrichment and criminal mischief by the complainant and other members of the team of bullies who act unlawfully, misrepresent limited common property, and accuse me of a host of criminal offences I didn’t commit; iv. on September 29, 2014, I filed a complaint with the Commissioner for Public Complaints Against the RCMP, which the RCMP characterized as the “offence” CPC File: 2014-2936; v. on October 14, 2014, the Commissioner's delegate issued a Notice of Direction dated October 14, 2014, Re: Termination of investigation into ticket based on reviewing the offending officer’s operational File: 2014-29413; vi. on March 19, 2015, at my insistence, the Commission requested a further investigation - by the RCMP; vii. on November 25, 2015, when I showed up in court to defend my reputation and statutory rights the RCMP deprived me of that opportunity by suddenly voiding the ticket issed on September 27, 2014, after more than a year of stress, intimidation, stigma, pain, and bogus promises of an opportunity to defend myself in court; viii. on June 8, 2016, Ian McPhail, Q.C., also turned a blind eye to the enactments governing strata property, dismissing my public complaint against the RCMP, made on September 29, 2014, after nearly 2 years; ix. in his report, Mr. McPhail pretends that my statutory property rights and constitutional protest rights were not thwarted, purporting that it was fair to resolve the dispute by giving me a ticket for trespass because the RCMP doesn’t need to be “correct;” x. it is my understanding that more than a dozen unjustified police complaints have been manufactured against me by people retaliating against my reports of changes to common property made illegally for the unjust enrichment ofsome, at the expense of others, over several decades. My husband and I have very painfully lost an estimated $300,000 as victims of corrupt law enforcement and domestic abuse due to owning strata property, and I have lost my health and decades of peaceful enjoyment. Further supporting documents not already in your possession are available if required by The Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP. I wasted more than a year of my life fruitlessly pursuing a previous complaint; nevertheless, if anyone is interested in additional information, I am available to be interviewed, in person, or otherwise. Sincerely, COPY Dianne Bond, 604-464-9642, 409-1215 Lansdowne Drive, Coquitlam, BC, V3E 2P2 ******
September 26, 2023 ·
UPDATE. Today BC's Attorney General served me with about 500 pages in response to the 13-page appeal that I filed on July 7, 2023. This triggered a sickening relapse of the explosive diarrhea that last occurred on September 16th, which was chronic from when I got out of jail on May 4th until the first week in September. It was just starting to show signs of resuming a normal form, and now this. The only good thing is I was surprised to find the key transcript, which was inexplicably not made available to me in the transcripts I purchased, is now included in the materials that I just received from the AG! I spent $102 to have the material scanned just now to make it searchable. Also, we had just told our realtor that we are finally ready to list our home for sale, after cleaning out 1500 sq ft and 35 years of clutter on Craigslist, and racing around looking at houses for sale ever since the beginning of May - but now fleeing from this intolerable oppression is on hold until after this trial. If anyone happens to be interested in attending the trial despite the shocking PUBLICATION BAN it's scheduled to commence at 10 A.M. on October 4, 2023 in the BC Supreme Court at 651 Carvarvon Street, in New Westminster. *****
Dianne Bond BC Strata Owners For Justice And Reforms
October 4, 2023 ·
Grace and Anita joined Larry in the gallery at the Appeal today, so that was nice. We had lunch at Douglas College. My appeal is scheduled to resume at 2 pm on Thursday, October 12th to finish up my response to the Crown's submissions. Justice Lamb didn't want the adjournment, so when I said that I needed another hour and a half, she pressured me to finish up in 15 minutes. When I closed the book and said I'm finished then, she set the new date. The response I had prepared was lost from my computer, so I just spoke off the top of my head all day. She told me to spend my time preparing for the 12th, and I take that as a well-meaning warning from someone who has no idea what the impact of disabling trauma is like. So I'll have to see if I can get a transcript of today's submissions from the Crown before the12th and just do the best I can, as always. ******
October 5, 2023 ·
Dare I say it... but does anyone know what's going on with all these publication bans? "Bellemare is represented by criminal trial lawyer William Jessop. A publication ban prevents media from reporting information from the hearing. Bellemare is alleged to have killed Const. Frederick "Rick" O’Brien and shot a second Ridge Meadows Mountie while three officers were executing a search warrant on a condo in the Evergreen building in Coquitlam" on Sept 22, 2023. ******
October 5, 2023 ·
Interesting how several lawyers dropping me like a hot potato for refusing to give up my property rights, statutory rights, and constitutional rights is twisted around into me refusing help. It's particularly disturbing to see friends and family presume that I was offered, or provided with, free legal counsel to help me properly represent myself against charges of crimes I didn't commit. For the record, the only free legal counsel I got was 1) not to say anything to the RCMP, because anything I said could and would be used against me in court, 2) if I wouldn't agree to the conditions for release they could do nothing to help me, and 3) I'm not entitled to legal aid as it's income based, and a very low amount, which disqualifies me. It would be nice if my prepared response wasn't lost, but it's too late now to restore, which is prohibitively expensive anyway. I have to respond to 90 minutes of submissions made yesterday that I can't remember. So I'm paying $900 for a transcript of the Crown's submissions on a 1-day service, because that's what it takes. I also just found out that the mysteriously missing transcript of June 5 submissions has been sitting at the court reporter's office for months waiting for me to pick it up. That's how upset and dysfunctional I am. ******
Dianne Bond BC Strata Owners For Justice And Reforms
October 6, 2023 ·
Sorry about lack of context due to PUBLICATION BAN. I just found the submissions that I prepared and lost in court on Oct 4/23. I had inadvertently saved them into the parent folder of the one I was referring to at the time. Unfortunately, I have just been informed that despite paying for 1-day service I won't receive the new transcript before Tuesday due to the Thanksgiving holiday. I think our realtor's marketing photographer is coming on Tuesday also to take photos for the sale of our home, "as is, where is." We're just too dysfunctional and burnt out to attend to that properly either. Still haven't found a place we can get financing for, so don't know where we'll end up. *****
October 18, 2023 ·
Well, our home of 35 years hit the market today, and I hope it sells. I don't feel good about it though. RARE 1-level convenience in a townhouse in a bright, quiet, central location with a view. 2 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, laundry, living room, dining room, kitchen, family room, ALL on the main floor, with 3rd bedroom, bathroom, garage, and loads of storage downstairs. Double garage, double driveway, car washing faucet, visitor parking. Over 1500 sq ft, 3 bedroom, 3 bathrooms, bright sunny southeast exposure, a couple of blocks northwest of Coquitlam Centre Mall. Pets and rentals allowed with restrictions. $958,000. Built in 1987 with high quality, copper pipes, penisula kitchen with lazy susan, 4-piece ensuite, LARGE closets, cement entrance, and bright spacious rooms. Relaxing patio on the east side with electrical outlet and water faucet, greenery to the north, and a mountain view to the south. Fully rain screened in 2005, with new windows and roof. New floor coverings by Jordan's in 2020. New top of the line stainless steel appliances in 2014, induction stove with convection option. Retractable screen doors, semi-recessed vessel sink in ensuite, undermount sink in main bath; keyless entry; LED track lights, pot lights, under cabinet lighting. Lots of other updates. East/west bike lane, bus benches on all 4 corners, 3 of them covered, close to skytrain and West Coast Express, but still quiet. Pool, tennis, playground, schools, groceries, pharmacy, vet, dentist, restaurants, and shops right across the street, but still quiet. Very close to linear parks, hospital, community centres, churches, Coquitlam Crunch, LaFarge Lake, Douglas College, golf. Strata fees of $467.26 include gardening, garbage, snow removal, and property management. Original, non-smoking, house proud owners. Easy to show. Flexible possession.
I don't know what will become of us since when we tried to buy a non-strata house we couldn't get financing. I expect Justice Lamb to give oral reasons for judgment next Thursday on this shocking debacle manufactured by nothing more than malicious assertions by members of law enforcement. Oral reasons mean that I have to pay for another transcript, the cost of which is already in the thousands. For what it's worth, we're still waiting for a decision from the Human Rights Tribunal in regard to the strata refusing to allow us to install HVAC in 2019. Justice delayed is justice denied. ******
October 25, 2023 ·
Researchers say that various forms of social support serve to protect older adults from abuse, including engagement with in-person or online social networks, such as blogs or discussion groups like this one. What the researchers are unaware of is how online social networks are being weaponized by the powers that be, including the so-called justice system. This intimidates the most vulnerable and law abiding into silent isolation and brutally retaliates against those who dare to comment on patterns of abuse. When intimidation and publication bans censor concerned citizens and prevent reports detailing police misconduct, judicial misconduct, or other systemic corruption such as what's becoming rampant in BC's strata industry, it's not democracy. It's an extremely dangerous, highly repressive regime that contributes to dysfunction, contrary to the public interest. It's incredible how much stress losing our expectation of safety in our home put on our marriage, health, and future life expectancy. Despite fleeing from stratas I can't imagine how I can ever again feel a sense of security in society. Only fools go where angels fear to tread, so I'm sad to say what a fool I was to think I could rely on access to justice or equal protection and benefit under the law. 🙁 *******
October 26, 2023
Well my s.810 appeal was denied today. Anything else would have surprised me since every step of the way members of BC’s “justice system”have acted in “all for one and one for all” reprehensible solidarity.

Madam “Justice” Lamb WROTE her ORAL reasons for judgment based on omitting fundamental facts, twisting time lines, and making fraudulent misrepresentations right from the start, not much different than what Judge McQuillan did. Naturally there is no point in throwing good money after bad to order transcripts at this point. Lies of omission told by more artful manipulators of the truth are no less fraudulent than any other lie, they are just told by more sophisticated criminals. To be a bit more precise, Lamb OMITTED THE FUNDAMENTAL FACT that Judge McQuillan ordered a publication ban WITHOUT ANY REASON, NOTICE, or DUE PROCESS, in violation of constitutional rights. I might go to jail again for publishing this, but that ban prohibits ANYONE from EVER reporting ANY information from his scandalous hearing. Lamb then went on to TWIST TIMELINES in deceptive ways that further obscure her fundamental omission by presenting AFTER THE FACT statements as if McQuillan’s automatic ban on news reporting was not a demonstration of judicial bias that deprived me of equal protection and benefit under the law. She basically acted hand in glove with McQuillan’s ban to defend against public disclosure of judges perpetuating criminal conduct in law enforcement contrary to constitutional rights and the public interest. Despite a pattern of courts acting corruptly to deter self represented litigants, and strata disputes in particular, in view of the PUBLICATION BAN, suffice it to say that Lamb turned the same blind eye as McQillan did to statutory strata issues that are fundamental to anyone’s ability to assess credibility or weigh reasonableness on a balance of probabilities. When Lamb wrote her oral reasons for judgment she expertly crafted them with enough fundamental omissions and deceptive manipulation of time, fact, and law to make unreasonable assertions appear reasonable. This scandalous debacle was worse than a waste of time and taxpayer’s money; it encourages more crimes of “public mischief” and theft in stratas as standard practice going forward. Our home of 35 years has been listed for sale for 8 days at this point, without any interest from buyers. Further to that, we have not been able to find commensurate non-strata housing to buy, despite searching for nearly 6 months and being prepared to deplete our life savings and pay $300,000 more to move 15 kilometres further from Vancouver General Hospital. Only time will tell what will become of my husband and I, not to mention other law abiding owners of strata property who are relentlessly exploited and viciously attacked by malicious rogues. ***** November 10, 2023 Within a day of updating this blog I got a visit from the RCMP politely asking me to remove a photo of common property that the realtor took to list our home of 35 years for sale. This isn't a breach of conditions, as I did not take that photo, but to keep the peace I deleted it from my blog. As of November 10, 2023, PUBLICATION BAN is still stalking and harassing me, persisting in accusing me of crimes I didn't commit, aggressively monitoring social media, provocatively interfering with use of common property she illegally converted to her own exclusive use, creating a nuisance, hazard, and catastrophic damage to me. Go figure.